Post-Graduate Program in Food Science and Technology (PPGCTA)

Professional Master’s degree in food science and Technology

The Graduate Professional Master Program in Food Science and Technology (PPGCTA) of the State University of Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS) is being offered at the Unit in Encantado (latitude 29º14'10 "south and longitude 51º52'11" west) in the most southern state of Brasil. It has a multidisciplinary proposal, focusing on professionals from different areas who work in the food production chain or in food science. Our Master students do research with an applicability for regional, state, and national demands. Many of our research projects are in collaboration with food companies.

Currently, PPGCTA offers the Professional Master's Degree in Food Science and Technology. The main objective of the Course is to train professionals at an advanced technical-scientific level by developing research projects, creating skills and abilities to act in the diagnosis, prevention, solution, development, and integrated management of research proposals within the scope of Food Science and Technology at regional, national, and international levels.

The PPGCTA’s official language is Portuguese.

Head-chefs 2019-2021


Prof. Dra. Rosiele Lappe Padilha

Deputy head-chef:

Prof. Dr. Voltaire Sant'Anna

Expected Graduate Profile

Graduates of the Professional Master's Degree in Food Science and Technology will have the following profile:

Research Lines

Food Quality Management

This line of research aims to study the implementation of applied systems of food quality management systems and applied implementation of food quality management systems, as well as the evaluation of the physical-chemical and microbiological quality control of products and control points of activities of the food processing chain of local food products from the region. This line of research aims to establish and study the integration of quality programs and food safety to include the integration of scientific research applied to food agroindustrialization by using management methods to facilitate changes in the quality of goods and processes. In this context, projects in this field should employ management and quality control principles for the development of animal and plant-based products in food industries, with a focus on business, customer, and legal requirements. Through knowledge of quality control, hygiene, microbiology, cellular biology, risk analysis, and sensory analysis, as well as statistics applied to quality management, the professionals will be competent to work in the management and improvement of product quality in food industries, promoting the constant evolution of food production processes.

Product and Process Development and Innovation in Food Industry

This line of research emphasizes applied research for the study and innovation of processes and for the development of products, elaborating and improving production projects in the food industry. It aims to research, develop, and apply innovations in processes and develop novel food products, in order to maximize quality, productivity, resources and market insertion, exploring the potentialities of food industries in their local and regional contexts. local and regional foods. In this context, projects in this line should integrate principles of innovation and growth in the processing of animal and plant-based products, as well as tools from modern and conventional technology, to enhance and grow products and processes for food agroindustrialization. The professional, through tools acquired by this line of research, will have the skills to cause relevant impacts in the food processing chain, developing products, and promoting technological innovations in order to offer companies agile processes, with higher productivity, efficiency, sustainability and quality in line with the demands of the consumer market and regional development.

More informations

Address: Uergs Unit in Encantado - R. Alegrete, 801 - Lambari, Encantado.

Phone: +55 51 3751-3376
